Atena - Deusa da Sabedoria
Ahá, você aparenta ser uma pessoa inteligente e estratégica, assim como sua suposta mãe, Atena... Faça bom proveito de seus poderes, e por favor, não brigue com os filhos de Poseidon...Your mom is Athena!

Você respondeu a maioria: D
Voce nunca seria um semideus, voce nao tem o que é preciso, é tao humano e gentil que jamais saberia lutar contra as forças do mundo dos herois. [¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬]
Your mother is Athena. You are brave, wise, smart, and like to build monuments. But watch out because you are afraid of spiders (for a good reason).B's Result:
your annabeth chase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Result
Your mother is Athena, Godess of crafts, domestic arts, arts of war and wisdom. Agreat thinker. Friends rely on you to be crafty and wise. You always have a plan, or know the answer.
Your Result: Posidon
your father is the God of the sea. which means you are more comterble in water. Posidon is also the god of horses and earthquakes. he is the youngest of his 3 brothers, posidon, zeus, and hades. [MILAGRE! NÃO DEU ATENAS!]
Your Result: Hades!
You the son of the god of the underworld. You are known to beable to raise the dead. You are wanted by many people so always stay on your gaurd. You father can get angered very eastily and can sometimes no be trusted. [MEDO]
Mostly C's:
If you were a half-blood, you would be a child of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. You're very smart and love to read.RESULTADO: Eu sou filha de Atenas. Nossa.
The world is quiet here
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