Do pé que brotou Maria,/ Nem margarida nasceu
segunda-feira, dezembro 27, 2010
sábado, dezembro 25, 2010
quarta-feira, dezembro 22, 2010
Duas pérolas em um só vídeo
Vídeo começa. Taylor. Depois Taylor, Katy e Miley. Miley está com a cara sexy até que...
Garota aleatória atrás da Miley: There's a bee behind you.
Katy: *don't know why she's yelling, but i gotta yell too* AAAAAAAH!
Taylor: *fascinated* Where? Where is it?
Garotas aleatórias: IT'S OFF, IT'S OFF.
Katy: *LOL those chicks are crazy*
Taylor: Breathe, just breathe... It's okay now.
Miley: OMG I hate bugs *mimimi*
Já dá pra rir um pouquinho com esses 15 segundos. Aí depois...
Taylor: *hugs Joe* How do you doing?
Joe: ??????????
Taylor: I've been working out, sorry about that.
Garota aleatória atrás da Miley: There's a bee behind you.
Katy: *don't know why she's yelling, but i gotta yell too* AAAAAAAH!
Taylor: *fascinated* Where? Where is it?
Garotas aleatórias: IT'S OFF, IT'S OFF.
Katy: *LOL those chicks are crazy*
Taylor: Breathe, just breathe... It's okay now.
Miley: OMG I hate bugs *mimimi*
Já dá pra rir um pouquinho com esses 15 segundos. Aí depois...
Taylor: *hugs Joe* How do you doing?
Joe: ??????????
Taylor: I've been working out, sorry about that.
Olha o Drew
Eu A-POS-TO que o cara dos primeiros segundos é o Drew, porque:
- ele é bonito (Drew, you're really hot)
- ela meio que se reclina pra direção dele
- ... sei lá, ele é o Drew, poxa D:
terça-feira, dezembro 21, 2010
The Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
As soon as Wolf began to feel
That he would like a decent meal,
He went and knocked on Grandma's door.
When Grandma opened it, she saw
The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,
And Wolfie said, "May I come in?''
Poor Grandmamma was terrified,
"He's going to eat me up!'' she cried.
And she was absolutely right.
He ate her up in one big bite.
But Grandmamma was small and tough,
And Wolfie wailed, "That's not enough!
I haven't yet begun to feel
That I have had a decent meal!''
He ran around the kitchen yelping,
"I've got to have a second helping!''
Then added with a frightful leer,
"I'm therefore going to wait right here
Till Little Miss Red Riding Hood
Comes home from walking in the wood.''
He quickly put on Grandma's clothes,
(Of course he hadn't eaten those).
He dressed himself in coat and hat.
He put on shoes, and after that
He even brushed and curled his hair,
Then sat himself in Grandma's chair.
In came the little girl in red.
She stopped. She stared. And then she said,
"What great big ears you have, Grandma.''
"All the better to hear you with,'' the Wolf replied.
``What great big eyes you have, Grandma.''
said Little Red Riding Hood.
"All the better to see you with,'' the Wolf replied.
He sat there watching her and smiled.
He thought, I'm going to eat this child.
Compared with her old Grandmamma
She's going to taste like caviar.
Then Little Red Riding Hood said, "But Grandma,
what a lovely great big furry coat you have on.''
"That's wrong!'' cried Wolf. "Have you forgot
To tell me what BIG TEETH I've got?
Ah well, no matter what you say,
I'm going to eat you anyway.''
The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
She whips a pistol from her knickers.
She aims it at the creature's head
And bang bang bang, she shoots him dead.
A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.
But what a change! No cloak of red,
No silly hood upon her head.
She said, "Hello, and do please note
My lovely furry wolfskin coat.''
That he would like a decent meal,
He went and knocked on Grandma's door.
When Grandma opened it, she saw
The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,
And Wolfie said, "May I come in?''
Poor Grandmamma was terrified,
"He's going to eat me up!'' she cried.
And she was absolutely right.
He ate her up in one big bite.
But Grandmamma was small and tough,
And Wolfie wailed, "That's not enough!
I haven't yet begun to feel
That I have had a decent meal!''
He ran around the kitchen yelping,
"I've got to have a second helping!''
Then added with a frightful leer,
"I'm therefore going to wait right here
Till Little Miss Red Riding Hood
Comes home from walking in the wood.''
He quickly put on Grandma's clothes,
(Of course he hadn't eaten those).
He dressed himself in coat and hat.
He put on shoes, and after that
He even brushed and curled his hair,
Then sat himself in Grandma's chair.
In came the little girl in red.
She stopped. She stared. And then she said,
"What great big ears you have, Grandma.''
"All the better to hear you with,'' the Wolf replied.
``What great big eyes you have, Grandma.''
said Little Red Riding Hood.
"All the better to see you with,'' the Wolf replied.
He sat there watching her and smiled.
He thought, I'm going to eat this child.
Compared with her old Grandmamma
She's going to taste like caviar.
Then Little Red Riding Hood said, "But Grandma,
what a lovely great big furry coat you have on.''
"That's wrong!'' cried Wolf. "Have you forgot
To tell me what BIG TEETH I've got?
Ah well, no matter what you say,
I'm going to eat you anyway.''
The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
She whips a pistol from her knickers.
She aims it at the creature's head
And bang bang bang, she shoots him dead.
A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.
But what a change! No cloak of red,
No silly hood upon her head.
She said, "Hello, and do please note
My lovely furry wolfskin coat.''
Roald Dahl, Revolting Rhymes
Essa versão rimada é melhor que a original, fato. |
O melhor curta-metragem ever
Wikiosidade: When "white" Geri simulates the heart attack and turns the chessboard, the box with pieces falls on the ground. However, when camera moves away few moments later and shows Geri's table and its surroundings, the box and the pieces are not lying on the ground and are not present anywhere else.
Se você acha que já viu este vídeo em algum lugar, este curta é a "introdução" do filme Vida de Inseto em VHS (não sei se é também no DVD).
sábado, dezembro 18, 2010
Nos primeiros segundos, note que a mulher tenta falar com um sotaque carioca.
Musas do Hitchcock
Julie Andrews: Cortina Rasgada (1966) |
Tippi Hedren: Os Pássaros (1963) e Marnie: Confissões de uma ladra (1964) |
Kim Novak: Um Corpo Que Cai (1958) |
Janet Leigh: Psicose (1960) |
Doris Day: O Homem Que Sabia Demais (1956) *Bônus James Stewart!* |
Grace Kelly: Disque M Para Matar (1954), Ladrão de Casaca (1955) e Janela Indiscreta (1956) *Bônus Cary Grant!* |
Conclusão: Alfred Hitchcock tinha alguma coisa por loiras >.>
Psycho (1960)
Hitchcock, seu lindo |
- Psicose foi filmado em preto e branco porque Hitchcock temia que a cena do chuveiro ficasse chocante demais, com o vermelho do sangue.
- A tradicional aparição de Hitchcock, neste filme, acontece durante aproximadamente quatro minutos, do lado de fora do escritório em que Marion trabalha, e ele está usando um chapéu de cowboy.
- Janet Leigh não estava nua na famosa cena do chuveiro: ela usava uma roupa colante à pele. Uma dublê de corpo também foi utilizada.
- O som das facadas, nesta mesma cena, na realidade é o som de um melão sendo esfaqueado.
- O sangue desta mesma cena é, na verdade, calda de chocolate.
- O chuveiro que se vê filmado de baixo para cima na realidade tinha dois metros de diâmetro, para que a câmera captasse os jatos d'água com maior intensidade.
- A cena do chuveiro demorou sete dias para ser filmada, e utilizou 70 diferentes posições de câmera.
- Hitchcock recebeu uma carta de um pai enfurecido, dizendo que sua filha, apavorada, recusava-se a entrar no chuveiro, após ver o filme. Hitchcock respondeu a carta, sugerindo ao pai que levasse a garota para uma lavagem a seco.
- Psicose é o primeiro filme da história do cinema americano a focalizar um vaso sanitário dando descarga, o que era considerado de mau gosto, na época.
sábado, dezembro 11, 2010
My Life According to Taylor Swift
É uma corrente em que você responde às perguntas abaixo usando as músicas de somente um artista. Parece ser fácil, mas eu demorei um tempão. Se você se interessou em participar, faça um post com o nome "My Life According to [nome da banda]." Lembre-se que você não pode repetir o nome das músicas nem usar o artista que eu escolhi - dã.
My Artist:
Taylor Swift
Are you a male or female?
American Girl
Describe yourself:
How do you feel?
Describe where you currently live?
A Place In This World
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Back To December
Your favorite form of transportation:
White Horse
Your best friend is:
Tim McGraw
Your favorite color is:
White Christmas
What's the weather like?
Cold As You
Favorite time of the day:
Silent Night
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called?
Love Story
What is life to you?
Your relationships:
Forever & Always
Your fear:
The Outside
What is the best advice you have to give?
Speak Now
If you could change your name, you would change it to:
Mary's Song
Thought for the Day:
How I would like to die:
My soul's present condition:
Today Was A Fairytale
My Motto:
Never Grow Up
Your Wish in Song:
Can I Go With You?
Música de qualidade
Hit 'Minha mulher não deixa não' é o novo sucesso do verão 2011
Em 2010 a música mais tocada no verão foi o “Rebolation” do Parangolé. Em 2011 o hit que já está pegando vem de Pernambuco. Tudo indica que é uma das grandes apostas para o próximo carnaval. O vídeo já está fazendo muito sucesso no Youtube onde alguns amigos interpretam e dançam a canção "Minha mulher não deixa não", do DJ Sandro, o Moral de Paulista. [LOLOLOLOLOL]
A música conta a história de um amigo tentando chamar o outro para sair, beber e se divertir. O refrão já está na boca do povo: "Vou não, quero não, posso não, minha mulher não deixa não". Confira o vídeo e a música, que já tem mais de 1 milhão de acessos no Youtube em apenas duas semanas.
Uma música profunda, com conteúdo, ritmo contagiante e uma coreografia exepcional...
Eu não sei o que é pior: a música como um todo ou o fato de eu estar com ela na minha cabeça.
sexta-feira, dezembro 10, 2010
Estava eu procurando no Google fotos do filho do Jensen Ackles, aí me deparo com isto:
quinta-feira, dezembro 09, 2010
Beleza em excesso
Comecei a ver Supernatural há três dias atrás e, diferentemente do que eu pensava, a série é boa. Mas como ainda estou na metade da 1ª temporada, eu acho que não sou digna de escrever resenhas... Ainda. Porém eu posso muito bem (na verdade, devo) comentar sobre a beleza dos irmãos Winchester. Que coisa absurda é essa?! Eles são lindos demais!
Vamos começar com o mais novo, o Sam, interpretado pelo Jared Padalecki. O cara era modelo. Eu acho que já resume tudo. E ele tem somente 1.93m de altura.
![]() |
Muito lindo ♥ |
Agora, sobre o Dean, interpretado pelo Jensen Ackles. Ele é lindo, tem 1.83m de altura e tal, eu sei, mas... já pararam para reparar nos cílios dele?! Ele tem cílios ridiculamente grandes que dão inveja a qualquer um. São tão perfeitos *_* E eu não fui a única que reparei isso.
![]() |
Foto desta menina que também reparou nos cílios gigantes dele |
Rosie Perez: I have a question.Jimmy Kimmel: Yes, Rosie.Rosie Perez: Do you curl your eyelashes?(fans screaming)Jensen Ackles: How much did you pay her?Jimmy Kimmel: That's a good question.Jensen Ackles: Yeah, that was a good question.Jimmy Kimmel: Actually my first question...Jensen Ackles: Was it really?Jimmy Kimmel: Do you curl your eyelashes?Jensen Ackles: Yeah, it's right there. Uh, no. No.
Só para finalizar... *drooling* |
terça-feira, dezembro 07, 2010
Mais sobre Enchanted
[Preguiça de traduzir] ENCHANTED
The most unabashedly romantic song on the album, and also one of the best, "Enchanted" describes the aftermath of meeting a special someone without knowing whether the instant infatuation is at all reciprocated.
"That song is about pining away for if you're ever going to see someone again-walking away too early," she explained. "It was about this guy that I met in New York City, and I had talked to him on email or something before, but I had never met him. And meeting him, it was this overwhelming feeling of: I really hope that you're not in love with somebody. And the whole entire way home, I remember the glittery New York City buildings passing by, and then just sitting there thinking, am I ever going to talk to this person again? And that pining away for a romance that may never even happen, but all you have is this hope that it could, and the fear that it never will.
"I started writing that in the hotel room when I got back. Because it just was this positive, wistful feeling of: I hope you understand just how much I loved meeting you. I hope that you know that meeting you was not something that I took lightly, or just in passing. And I think my favorite part of that song is the part where, in the bridge, it goes to sort of a stream of consciousness of ‘Please don't be in love with someone else/Please don't have somebody waiting on you.' Because at that moment, that's exactly what my thoughts were. And it feels good to write exactly what your thoughts were in a certain moment."
Apparently, nothing came of this enchantment, except for the song. At least that's the impression given by how Swift acknowledges the guy in question hasn't heard it yet, though she expects him to recognize that it's about their brief encounter when he does hear it. "I think so," she said with a slight laugh. "Using the word ‘wonderstruck' was done on purpose," she added (referring to the line "I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home"). Because that's a word which that person used one time in an email. And I don't think I've ever heard anybody use that term before, so I purposely wrote it in the song, so he would know."
(And now every guy who ever ran into Taylor Swift at a social event in New York is thinking: "I did say 'wonderstruck,' right?")
Então, pelo que eu entendi, a Taylor só escreveu esta música para se expressar ao Adam, mas não significa que ela ainda tenha sentimentos por ele. Quando ela o conheceu, ela sentiu aquele frio na barriga/bochechas ficando quentes/essas coisas que toda garota sente perto de um cara muito especial, mas nada que significasse amor. Talvez paixão/atração, mas não amor. Ela só queria não ter saido cedo demais e não ter dito o quanto foi especial e encantador conhecer ele.
I wrote "Enchanted" about a guy who I was enchanted to meet, obviously. He was somebody that I had talked to a couple of times on email, and then I was in New Yorkand went to meet him.Conclusão: a Taylor estava com overdose de oxitocina.
I remember just the whole way home thinking, "I hope he's not in love with somebody." It was just wonderful, that feeling. Like, "Oh my gosh. Who's he with? Does he like me? Does he like somebody else? What does it mean?" I got home and he had emailed me and said something like, "Sorry I was so quiet. I was just wonderstruck meeting you." And so I incorporated the word wonderstruck, into the song as a, "Hey this one's sorta for you."
quinta-feira, dezembro 02, 2010
À professora mais fofa de todo mundo
*ontem, na confraternização*
Maria José, professora de História: B.!!!
Eu [com o meu almoço e um copo na mão]: Oi, Maria José.
MJ: Um professor tem um universo de alunos, mas só um consegue enroscar o coração do professor... e é você, B.
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